日本《无线电法》要求,对的无线电设备进行型号核准(即技术法规符合性认证)。telec认证是强制性的,认证机构为mic在无线电设备范围认可的注册认证机构telec(telecom engineering center)是日本无线电设备符合性认证的主要注册认证机构,telec在日本也叫mic认证,telec为mic发证机构之一,故统称telec认证。
(1) 技术型号规格表(technical type specification form)
(2) 质量申明管理系统(declaration of quality management system)
(3) 质量证书的控制批准方法或者iso9001证书(letter of quality control confirmation methodormanufacturer’s iso 9001 certificate)
(4) 结构保护批准证书(letter of construction protection confirmation)
(5) 宣称的额定功率(rated power declaration)
(6) 天线报告(antenna report)
(7) 测试报告(test reports (including test results, test setup photos and examinations carried out))
(8)(block diagram, schematic diagram, bill of material, parts placement, ic data sheets, internal and external photos, product deion, user manual, operational/technical deion, deion of pheripherals/accessories)
(9) 标签信息(label information(label location, label content))
if you act as agentoras authorized representative of the manufacturer:
(10)委托书/授权书(power of attorney / authorization letter